Music Club in the village and a unicorn team, lion dance teams and Wushu Dui.
该村和乐社中有麒麟队 、 醒狮队和武术队.
互联网The Dagon Dance and Lion Dance are traditionally performed during the festival.
互联网In normal times more than lion dance teams dispatched lion dance celebrating the festive days.
互联网You can enjoy a lion dance on big celebration occasions.
互联网Lion Dance performances have four lions square table board, over the bench rather difficult.
狮子舞表演有4只狮子登方桌, 过板凳,难度较大.
互联网The first face's design is similar before the Chinese lion dance's face.
互联网The lion dance and Chinese martial arts are often performed in Tianqiao.
互联网In the Shishi stadium, the extremely high rate lets the lion dance contestant burst out warmly.
在石狮市体育馆, 极高的上座率让舞狮选手热情迸发.
互联网In my hometown, people seldom have the opportunity to see the lion dance during Spring Festival.
在我的家乡, 现在过年已经很少见到舞狮表演了.
互联网White elephant lion dance dance alone most of the Department of Fuyang Lvmao text lions.
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